Split Workshop in Atmospheric Physics and Oceanography
May 22 - 31, 2009 Split,Croatia
Press release
Conference In Croatia Has Strong New Mexico Tech Ties
Evaluation results
About First SWAP
The most prominent and prestigious international scientists will teach a few of the best students from the region as well as their international colleagues in the vigorous areas of atmospheric and oceanographic science (see detailed timetable below). The topics will combine the fundamental knowledge as well as specific issues of modern research. Through innovative lecturing techniques and close interaction with professors, the students will be exposed to the ideas not heard in their regular education. The students will have the opportunity to establish international scientific collaborations.The workshop is on the graduate level, but in exceptional cases of sufficient knowledge in Physics undergraduate students, domestic and international, can participate. The workshop language is English. The attendees that successfully finish the workshop will be accredited for 5 ECTS points.
The students will participate in discussions and hold independent seminars. The scientific papers that the students are assigned to read and prepare will be given three months in advance.
We can cover your stay up to the amount of 1500 Croatian kunas (300 US dollars) and part of your trip to the amount of 400 kunas (80 dollars).
For applications and questions please contact:Zeljka Fuchs Timetable:PDF
Lecture Topics
Stable boundary layers
Branko Grisogono (University of Zagreb, Croatia)Lecture: Stable boundary layers PDF & Abstract
Grisogono, B. et al., 2007: The low-level katabatic jet height versus Monin-Obukhov height. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 133, 2133-2136. PDF
Grisogono, B., 2009: Some Recent Advances in Modeling Stable Atmospheric Boundary Layers. Invited/accepted to: "Advances in Environmental Fluid Mechanics" PDF
Julia Palamarchuk
Presentation: The low-level katabatic jet height versus Monin-Obukhov height PDF
Nauman Awan
Presentation: Turbulence energetics in stably stratified geophysical flows: Strong and weak mixing regimes PDF
Impact of oceans on ENSO
William Kessler(NOAA, USA)Lecture: Impact of oceans on ENSO PDF & Abstract
Kessler, W. S., 2002: Is ENSO a cycle or a series of events? Geophysical research letters., 29, NO. 23, 40-44 PDF
Kessler, W. S. and Kleeman R., 2000: Rectification of the Madden-Julian Oscillation into the ENSO Cycle, Journal of Climate, 13, 3560-3575 PDF
Jadranka Sepic
Presentation: Is ENSO a cycle or a series of events? PDF
Maristella Berta
Presentation: Rectification of the Madden-Julian Oscillation into the ENSO Cycle PDF
Optional literature :
Schneider, E. K. et al., 1995: Ocean wave dynamics and El Nino. Journal of Climate, 8, 2415-2439PDF
Jin, F.-F., 1995: An Equatorial Ocean Recharge Paradigm for ENSO. Part I: Conceptual Model . Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 54, 811-829PDF
Predictability and chaos
Darko Koracin(University of Nevada, USA)Lecture: Predictability and Chaos PDF & Abstract
Lorenz, E. N., 1982: Atmospheric predictability experiments with a large numerical model. Tellus, 34, 505-513.PDF
Ehrendorfer, M., 1997: Predicting the uncertainty of numerical weather forecasts: a review. Meteorol. Z., 6, 147-183. PDF
Imran Nadeem
Presentation: Atmospheric predictability experiments with a large numerical model PDF
Optional literature :
Lorenz, E. N., 1965: Atmospheric predictability. Advances in Numerical Weather Prediction, 34-39.PDF
Contributions and outlook for the sea level rise
Stjepan Marcelja(The Australian National University, Australia)Lecture: Contributions and outlook for the sea level rise PDF & Abstract
Rahmstorf, S., 2007: A Semi-Empirical Approach to Projecting Future Sea-Level Rise. Science, 315, 368-370
Domingues et al. 2008: Improved estimates of upper-ocean warming and multi-decadal sea-level rise, Nature, 453, 1090-1094
Sandra Divanovic
Presentation: Improved estimates of upper-ocean warming and multi-decadal sea-level rise PDF
Aerosols and their impact on precipitation
Graciela Raga(Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico)Lecture: Aerosols and their impact on precipitation PDF & Abstract
Khain et al., 2008: Factors determining the impact of aerosols on surface precipitation from clouds: An attempt at classification. Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 65, 1721-1748PDF
Koren et al., 2008: Smoke invigoration versus inhibition of clouds over the Amazon. Science, 321, 946-949PDF
Jasa Calogovic
Presentation: Factors determining the impact of aerosols on surface precipitation from cloudsPDF
David Raymond(New Mexico Tech, USA)Lecture: Precipitation PDF & Abstract
Raymond, D. J., 2000: Thermodynamic control of tropical rainfall. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 126, 889-898PDF
Sobel et al., 2001: The weak temperature gradient approximation and balanced moisture waves. Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 58, 3650-3665. PDF
Ivica Crljenica
Presentation:Thermodynamic control of tropical rainfallPDF
Fluid dynamics
Rich Rotunno(NCAR, USA)Lecture: Fluid dynamics PDF & Abstract
Bryan, G. H. and Rotunno, R., 2009: The maximum intensity of tropical cyclones in axisymmetric numerical model simulationsPDF
Bryan, G. H. and Rotunno, R., 2009: Evaluation of an analytical model for the maximum intensity of tropical cyclonesPDF
Ivan Guttler
Presentation: The maximum intensity of tropical cyclones in axisymmetric numerical model simulationsPDF
Tropical cyclones
Roger Smith(University of Munich, Germany)Lecture: Tropical cyclones PDF & Abstract
Smith et al., 2005: Buoyancy in tropical cyclones and other rapidly rotating atmospheric vortices. Dynamics of Atmosphere and Oceans. 40, 189-208. PDF
Rozoff et al., 2006: Rapid Filamentation Zones in Intense Tropical Cyclones. Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 325-340. PDF
Saska Gjorgjievska
Presentation: Buoyancy in tropical cyclones and other rapidly rotating atmospheric vorticesPDF