Important information :
Office Hours : Tuesday and Thursday 2-4 p.m. and by appointment.
Required Textbook: Physics for Scientists and Engineers", D. C. Giancoli, Fourth edition, with Mastering Physics supplement.
There will be three exams. Basic calculators are allowed and even encouraged. All the exams will be closed book and closed notes. However you will be allowed to bring a “cheat sheet" for each exam.
THE FIRST EXAM IS ON September 27.
Getting Help -
- There are several resources to get help when you have difficulty with problems or concepts covered in class. I encourage you to work with other students but always share the workload fairly and do not blindly copy answers of other students. I am also happy to answer any questions you might have either during class time or during my office hours. Feel free to email me to ask questions at any time as well. There are help sessions held by the TAs and the Office for Student Learning is going to provide some tutoring help. Do take advantage of these resources.
Disability Services -
- New Mexico Tech is committed to protect the rights of individuals with disabilities. Required and reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals can be requested. Individuals are invited to make their needs known to the Office of Counseling and Disability Services (OCDS) as soon as possible. Please call (575) 835-6619 to schedule an appointment.
Counseling Services -
- New Mexico Tech offers mental health and substance abuse counseling through the Office of Counseling and Disability Services (OCDS). The confidential services by licensed professionals are free of charge. Please call (575) 835-6619 to schedule an appointment.
Academic Honesty -
- You are responsible for knowing, understanding, and following New Mexico Tech's Academic Honesty Policy for undergraduate students,
found starting on page 68 of the NMT Undergraduate Catalog.
Link to New Mexico Tech's Academic Honesty Policy
Campus Police and the Emergency Notification System !! Include campus police phone number (575-835-5435) at the top of your contact list
in case of emergencies. If you have not done so yet, please register for the Emergency Notification System at this link:
Link to register