Table of Contents


We are particularly indebted to many colleagues who have helped and encouraged this work, particularly Dave Westpfahl, Dave Raymond, and James Weatherall of the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology (NMIMT) and Greg Willet, Marc Herant, Vladimir Pariev, and Hui Li of Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). We are appreciative of the help provided by the staff of the NMIMT Energetic Materials Research and Testing Center (EMRTC). In particular, Bill Shell, EMRTC Edit Studio, lent us the studio-quality TV and VHS/VCR system and the DV camcorder for the duration of the experiment and helped considerably with the downloading and editing of the digital images used for the experiment and this publication. Jerry Johnson built the first model which was subsequently improved by John Simmons of EMRTC. We also wish to thank the City of Socorro, Gas Department for donating the low-pressure, high-volume regulator used on the apparatus. We are particularly indebted to IGPP of LANL for initial funding and to EMRTC and NMIMT for additional funding. Subsequently this work has been supported by NSF through grant number 99-00661. One of us, S.A. Colgate, receives funding through the DOE, under contract W-7405-ENG-36.