anyToKelvin | Takes input in degrees C, K, F, or R, and returns temperature in Kelvin. |
ballAnimate | Animates a ball and moves it through the path described by arrays x and y |
basketball3 | Trajectory of ball w/ quadratic drag -- to be called by compareIntegration.m |
brownian | Brownian motion simulation: |
compareIntegration | Demonstrates convergence of Runge-Kutta 4 vs. other techniques. Requires basketball3.m |
kelvinToAny | kelvinToAnyany takes input in K, returns temp in C, K, F, or R. |
mag | mag returns the magnitude of a row vector |
orbital_model7 | Orbital mechanics--with RK4 method. |
periodTable | Example of formatted tabular output AND reading and parsing a text file |
printCelsius | PRINTCELSIUS Assumes input in degrees Fahrenheit. |
printit | PRINTIT Prints the figure numbered "input" |
rTPB | This is an example of rectToPolar done badly. |
rectToPolarGood | convert the rectangular coords (x, y) to polar coordinates |
tempConvert | tempconvert Takes input in degrees C, K, F, or R. |
tempConvert1 | Same function as tempConvert, demonstrating use of functions instead of inline code. |
velocityTable | Example of how to print a nicely formatted table |
view1h | Viewer for orbital_model7, demonstrates animation of orbits |