Trajectory of ball w/ quadratic drag -- to be called by compareIntegration.m by R.Sonnenfeld, New Mexico Tech Physics -- Version 1.7 10/30/2008. USAGE basketball3(1,100,3); newplot=1 means -- Make a new plot (0 means just plot on top of existing plot) npts=100 means -- Divide time interval into 100 points If solvertype==1, Use Euler method If solvertype==2, use RK2 method for ODEs If solvertype==3, use RK4 method If solvertype==4, use Matlab built-in function ODE45 The Runge-Kutta notation here is the same as used by Weisstein in Weisstein, Eric W. "Runge-Kutta Method." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource. See also ================ SET INITIAL CONDITIONS
function basketball3(newplot,npts,solvertype) %Trajectory of ball w/ quadratic drag -- to be called by compareIntegration.m %by R.Sonnenfeld, New Mexico Tech Physics -- Version 1.7 10/30/2008. %USAGE basketball3(1,100,3); %newplot=1 means -- Make a new plot (0 means just plot on top of existing plot) %npts=100 means -- Divide time interval into 100 points %If solvertype==1, Use Euler method %If solvertype==2, use RK2 method for ODEs %If solvertype==3, use RK4 method %If solvertype==4, use Matlab built-in function ODE45 % %The Runge-Kutta notation here is the same as used by Weisstein in %Weisstein, Eric W. "Runge-Kutta Method." %From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource. % %See also % %================ %SET INITIAL CONDITIONS theta=40; %degrees v0=25; %m/s vx0=v0*cosd(theta); vy0=v0*sind(theta); x0=0; y0=0; z0=[x0 y0 vx0 vy0]; %================ %SET PARAMETERS % Fd=(1/16)*pi*D^2*rho*v^2=c*v^2 global m g c D=0.24; % m rho=1.3; % kg/m^3 m=0.624; % kg g=9.8; % m/s*s c=(1/16)*pi*D^2*rho; % %================ %SET TIME RANGE t0=0; tf=3.3; %================ %ACTUALLY SOLVE ODE t=linspace(0,tf,npts); switch solvertype case 1 [t,z]=Euler(t,z0); case 2 [t,z]=RK2(t,z0); case 3 [t,z]=RK4(t,z0); case 4 [t,z]=ode45(@quaddrag,t,z0); otherwise Warning('Invalid solver type. What are you, nuts?') end %Note: The initial conditions go in z0. z0 is an array, not just a single # % For this problem (a second order ODE) z0 contains initial x, y positions and vx, vy % velocities. %================ %UNPACK THE SOLUTIONS INTO CONVENIENTLY NAMED COLUMN VECTORS x=z(:,1); y=z(:,2); vx=z(:,3); vy=z(:,4); %================ c=0; %No drag %ACTUALLY SOLVE ODE switch solvertype case 1 [tvac,zvac]=Euler(t,z0); case 2 [tvac,zvac]=RK2(t,z0); case 3 [tvac,zvac]=RK4(t,z0); case 4 [vact,zvac]=ode45(@quaddrag,t,z0); otherwise Warning('Invalid solver type. What are you, nuts?') end %================ %UNPACK THE SOLUTIONS INTO CONVENIENTLY NAMED COLUMN VECTORS xvac=zvac(:,1); yvac=zvac(:,2); %================ %PLOT IT if newplot==0 hold on plot(x,y,'rx',xvac,yvac,'r+','MarkerSize',14); hold off end if newplot==1 plot(x,y,'k-',xvac,yvac,'k--'); xlabel('X-position (m)','Fontsize',14); ylabel('Y-position (m)','Fontsize',14); h=legend('Range in Air','Range in a vacuum'); set(h,'Fontsize',12) axis([0 max(xvac) 0 20]) xtx=8; ytx=16; %xtx and ytx are variables to hold the location of the %text annotations on the plot. text(xtx,ytx-2,'\rho_{air} = 1.3kg/m^3', 'Fontsize', [16]) text(xtx,ytx,'D=0.24m m=0.624kg ', 'Fontsize', [16]) end end function [t,z]=Euler(t,z0) global m g c b=c/m; len=length(t); z=zeros(len,4); %Set up a matrix for x, y, vx, vy x=zeros(len,1);y=zeros(len,1);vx=zeros(len,1);vy=zeros(len,1); %Plug initial conditions into convenient variables x(1)=z0(1);y(1)=z0(2); vx(1)=z0(3);vy(1)=z0(4); for n=1:len-1 dt=t(n+1)-t(n); %k1 magv1=sqrt(vx(n)^2+vy(n)^2); k1vx=dt*(-b*vx(n)*magv1); k1vy=dt*(-g-b*vy(n)*magv1); k1x=dt*vx(n); k1y=dt*vy(n); vx(n+1)=vx(n)+k1vx; x(n+1)=x(n)+k1x; vy(n+1)=vy(n)+k1vy; y(n+1)=y(n)+k1y; end %keyboard z(:,1)=x; %1st column z(:,2)=y; %2nd column z(:,3)=vx; z(:,4)=vy; end function [t,z]=RK2(t,z0) global m g c b=c/m; len=length(t); z=zeros(len,4); %Set up a matrix for x, y, vx, vy x=zeros(len,1);y=zeros(len,1);vx=zeros(len,1);vy=zeros(len,1); %Plug initial conditions into convenient variables x(1)=z0(1);y(1)=z0(2); vx(1)=z0(3);vy(1)=z0(4); for n=1:len-1 dt=t(n+1)-t(n); %k1 magv1=sqrt(vx(n)^2+vy(n)^2); k1vx=dt*(-b*vx(n)*magv1); k1vy=dt*(-g-b*vy(n)*magv1); k1x=dt*vx(n); k1y=dt*vy(n); %k2 magv2=sqrt((vx(n)+k1vx/2)^2+(vy(n)+k1vy/2)^2); k2vx=dt*(-b*(vx(n)+k1vx/2)*magv2); k2vy=dt*(-g-b*(vy(n)+k1vy/2)*magv2); k2x=dt*(vx(n)+k1vx/2); k2y=dt*(vy(n)+k1vy/2); vx(n+1)=vx(n)+k2vx; x(n+1)=x(n)+k2x; vy(n+1)=vy(n)+k2vy; y(n+1)=y(n)+k2y; end %keyboard z(:,1)=x; %1st column z(:,2)=y; %2nd column z(:,3)=vx; z(:,4)=vy; end function [t,z]=RK4(t,z0) global m g c % Note: The initial conditions go in z0. z0 is an array, not just a single # % For this problem (a second order ODE) % z0 contains initial x, y positions and vx, vy velocities. % The array t is not assumed to be evenly spaced (but it can be); % The first returned data point corresponds to t(1) and the last % to t(length(t)). b=c/m; len=length(t); z=zeros(len,4); %Set up a matrix for x, y, vx, vy x=zeros(len,1);y=zeros(len,1);vx=zeros(len,1);vy=zeros(len,1); %Plug initial conditions into convenient variables x(1)=z0(1);y(1)=z0(2); vx(1)=z0(3);vy(1)=z0(4); for n=1:len-1 dt=t(n+1)-t(n); %k1 magv1=sqrt(vx(n)^2+vy(n)^2); k1vx=dt*(-b*vx(n)*magv1); k1vy=dt*(-g-b*vy(n)*magv1); k1x=dt*vx(n); k1y=dt*vy(n); %k2 magv2=sqrt((vx(n)+k1vx/2)^2+(vy(n)+k1vy/2)^2); k2vx=dt*(-b*(vx(n)+k1vx/2)*magv2); k2vy=dt*(-g-b*(vy(n)+k1vy/2)*magv2); k2x=dt*(vx(n)+k1vx/2); k2y=dt*(vy(n)+k1vy/2); %k3 magv3=sqrt((vx(n)+k2vx/2)^2+(vy(n)+k2vy/2)^2); k3vx=dt*(-b*(vx(n)+k2vx/2)*magv3); k3vy=dt*(-g-b*(vy(n)+k2vy/2)*magv3); k3x=dt*(vx(n)+k2vx/2); k3y=dt*(vy(n)+k2vy/2); %k4 magv4=sqrt((vx(n)+k3vx)^2+(vy(n)+k3vy)^2); k4vx=dt*(-b*(vx(n)+k3vx)*magv4); k4vy=dt*(-g-b*(vy(n)+k3vy)*magv4); k4x=dt*(vx(n)+k3vx); k4y=dt*(vy(n)+k3vy); %% vx(n+1)=vx(n)+k1vx/6+k2vx/3+k3vx/3+k4vx/6; x(n+1)=x(n)+k1x/6+k2x/3+k3x/3+k4x/6; vy(n+1)=vy(n)+k1vy/6+k2vy/3+k3vy/3+k4vy/6; y(n+1)=y(n)+k1y/6+k2y/3+k3y/3+k4y/6; end z(:,1)=x; %1st column z(:,2)=y; %2nd column z(:,3)=vx; z(:,4)=vy; end function dz=quaddrag(t,z) %THIS IS THE FUNCTION THAT THE ODE solver INTEGRATES. %It is almost all that needs to be changed to do a different physics problem. %x=z(:,1); y=z(:,2); %vx_dot=z(:,3); vy_dot=z(:,4); global m g c %General equation. Standard vector form % --> mv_dot=-mg(y-hat)-c(v_x^2+v_y^2)v-hat % Step A: Put in component form: % x_dot=vx % y_dot=vy % magv=(vx^2+vy^2)^0.5 % m*vx_dot=-c*magv*vx; % m*vy_dot=-mg-c*magv*vy; % % Step B: Keep only derivatives on LHS: % Divide through by m % x_dot=vx % y_dot=vy % magv=(vx^2+vy^2)^0.5 % vx_dot=-c/m*magv*vx; % vy_dot=-g-c/m*magv*vy; % % Step C: Replace x, y, vx and vy by z1,z2,z3, and z4 % x_dot=z3 % y_dot=z4 % magv=(x_dot^2+y_dot^2)^0.5 % vx_dot=-c/m*magv*x_dot; % vy_dot=-g-c/m*magv*y_dot; % % Step D: Use these new subscripts to put in form of Matlab vectors % In Matlab Vector Form as follows % Fd=(1/16)*pi*D^2*rho*v^2=c*v^2 x_dot=z(3); %First derivative in x y_dot=z(4); %First derivative in y magv=(x_dot^2+y_dot^2)^0.5; vx_dot=-(c/m)*x_dot*magv; %Second deriv in X vy_dot=-g-(c/m)*y_dot*magv; %Second deriv in Y %Put them in a column matrix dz=[x_dot;y_dot;vx_dot;vy_dot]; end