The New Mexico Liquid Sodium αω Dynamo Experiment:

Hercules A: Visible light image obtained by Hubble superposed with a radio image taken by the VLA.

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M87*: The first polarized light image of a supermassive black hole with its plasma accretion disk taken by the EHT.

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The New Mexico Liquid Sodium αω Dynamo apparatus

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Stirling A. Colgate (deceased) 1, Richard Sonnenfeld 2, Jiahe Si 3, Art S. Colgate 4, Hui Li 5, David J. Westpfahl 6, Van D. Romero 7, Joe Martinic 8

We expect to demonstrate with a laboratory experiment the primary mechanism by which magnetic fields are generated in the universe.

Last Updated: 9 July 2024
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grants No. 9900661 and No. 1102444.
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