The Hilsch Tube Project:
The mechanism for efficient and coherent angular momentum transport
Dr. Stirling A. Colgate1,
Dr. Scott Teare2,
Paul Schendel1,
Blake Cannady1,
Brianna Klein1,
The mechanism for efficient and coherent angular
momentum transport remains one of the unsolved puzzles in
astrophysics despite the enormous efforts that have been made.
We suggest that important new insight could be gained in this
problem through an experimental and theoretical study of a lab-
oratory device (Ranque-Hilsch tube) that displays a similar en-
hanced angular momentum transfer which cannot be explained
by a simple turbulent model. There is already good experimen-
tal evidence to suggest that the cause of this enhancement is the
formation of aligned vortices that swirl around the symmetry
axes very much like virtual paddle blades.
Full Article
Last Updated: April 10, 2007