Appendix C. Testing and Diagnostic Facilities

Table of Contents
C.1. Compiling the Test Version
C.2. Setting Up The Test Version Spool Queues
C.3. Running the Test Version Software

The LPRng code has the ability to run as non-setuid software, and to use the non-default TCP/IP ports for communication. This facility allows a Test Version to be run in parallel with the normal LPRng software.

To simplify testing and portability issues, a simple test version of the spool queues and jobs has been supplied with the LPRng distribution. These queues can be placed in a suitable location (/tmp is common) and the LPRng software tested.

The test version of the software will use the LPD_CONF environment variable to specify the location of the configuration file. It will read this configuration file on startup and use the values to override the normal defaults. Since a user could maliciously set up their own configuration files with values that could compromise system security, it is strongly recommended that the test version is not made SETUID root. In fact, the LPRng code will chatter messages when the LPD_CONF ability is enabled and it is run as root.

C.1. Compiling the Test Version

Edit src/Makefile, and uncomment the indicated line. Then run make to regenerate the distribution.

#### ****** TESTING AND SECURITY LOOPHOLE ******************************
# Define GETENV to allow the LPD_CONFIG environment
#  variable to be used as the name of a configuration file.  In non-testing
#  systems,  this is a security loophole.