EPIC2001 Planning Meeting NOAA/WRC Bldg 9; Seattle, Washington, USA; Friday 17 December 1999
The EPIC field programs, referred to collectively as EPIC 2001, were put forward from the U.S. CLIVAR SSC this summer as one of 7 items to be supported in CLIVAR starting in 2000. As a result, proposals are now being sought for EPIC 2001 from the National Science Foundation's Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences Divisions, which each have ~$1.5 M per year that could be used to support EPIC 2001. Proposals would be due by January-February 2000. NSF OCE has a submission date, as usual, of February 15. ATM does not have fixed target dates, but submission is anticipated to be done by February 1, with earlier submission of research aircraft time requests to NCAR ATD required.
NSF would like to receive several bundled proposals. Each of these bundles should include proposed efforts from investigators that could logically be considered together by reviewers and by the proposal review panel.
A bundled proposal to NSF should consist of ~5 pages describing the general objectives and science issues of EPIC 2001, ~5 pages on the specific processes to be targeted by this particular bundle of proposals, followed by up to 5 pages per PI or group of PIs on the science of that PI or group. All the budget pages will be attached as separate and individual appendices.
The purpose of the 17 Dec 99 EPIC2001 Planning meeting in Seattle will be to organize the EPIC 2001 proposal bundles. There has been discussion of developing 3 bundles:
Since time is short, each PI group should come prepared with their draft 5-page proposal and 1-2 slides showing what/where/when and key science questions/goals of proposed fieldwork (see the agenda).
A block of rooms has been set aside at the Silver Cloud Inn under the name "EPIC2001". Prices are $96/single and $99/double. You are responsible for making your own travel and lodging reservation.
Silver Cloud Inn (~24 rooms for "EPIC2001"): 1-800-205-6940 5036 25th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98105
The meeting will be held at NOAA/WRC in Building 9, Room A.
NOAA/WRC Bldg #9 7600 Sand Point Way Seattle, WA 98115
Maps, with directions from SeaTac airport, can be obtained via the Web here.
For more information, contact either: Meghan Cronin ph:206-526-6449; or Vallapha Cass; cass@pmel.noaa.gov; ph:206-526-6890; fax:206-526-6744.