Seattle Meeting -- Agenda
8:30-8:50 (Weller, Raymond, Esbenson) Welcome, Purpose, Agenda,
8:50-9:20 Currently funded EPIC enhanced monitoring. (5 minutes each)
Weller/Anderson: 18S, 85W IMET Oct 2000 - 2003
Cronin/McPhaden: 10 TAO flux moorings along 95W from 8S to 12N
Nystuen: Acoustic rain gauges on TAO moorings
Bond: Soundings on TAO 95W tender
Fairall/Frisch: fluxes on TAO 95W tender
Gage/Douglas: Galapagos profilers
9:20-12:00 5-minute what/where/when/key science question for each group
9:20-10:10 ABL and stratocumulus along 95W & to 18S 85W bundle (S. Esbensen)
S. Esbensen: Aerosondes from Galapagos
N. Bond: dropsonde from P3 - cross-equatorial and ITCZ ABL structure
K. Gage/M. Douglas: Galapagos profiler & Soundings
Fairall/Hazen/Frisch: flux/PBL/cloud
J. Intrieri: Lidars
T. Uttal: Doppler cloud radar (35 GHz)
B. Houze: C-band Doppler radar on Brown - stratocumulus cloud
B. Albrecht: Soundings from the Brown
P. Quinn: Determining CCN concentrations
C. Bretherton: 3-D LES modeling
10:10-10:20 Break
10:20-11:00 ITCZ bundle for ship and aircraft work in ITCZ (D. Raymond)
D. Raymond/A. Blyth: NCAR Electra with Eldora radar
J. Zehnder/J. Molinari: Electra/Eldora
C. Zhang: P-3
T. Uttal/Fairall/Orr: Flux/PBL/cloud radar/microwave radiometer on
J. Intrieri: Lidars
S. Rutledge et al: Ron Brown C-band radar and soundings
C. Gautier/C. Jones: fluxes from satellite data sets
11:00-11:45 Ocean boundary layer bundle (M. Gregg)
M. Gregg/Miller: microstructure profiling from Brown 10N&5N/95W
C. Ohlmann/D. Siegel: Optical profiling from Brown
R. Pinkel: profilers tethered to Brown
C. Paulson/H. Wijeskera/D. Rudnick: 2nd ship butterfly pattern
with CTD/optical/Seasoar/ADCP/SST&SSS/fluxes/possibly soundings
N. Shay/C. Zhang/N. Bond: Air-dropped XBTs, XCTDs, & XCPs
C. Erikson: CTDs from array of gliders
11:45-12:00 Other work not to be included in bundles
A. Trasvina/V. Magana: sfc drifters/AVHRR imagery/soundings from
Altair - horizontal heat advection in Mexican Warm
Pool & forcing mechanisms in climate prediction models
P. Niiler/S. Kennan: sfc drifters & surveys in ITCZ region - wind
driven vorticity dynamics & heat/salt convergences
12:00-12:30 Discussion. Complementary? Holes? Logistic issues.
12:30-1:30 Lunch
1:30-3:15 Bundle Breakout Discussion in 3 separate rooms
3:15-3:30 Break
3:30-4:15 Reconvene. Lead PI from each bundle summarize bundle
4:15-5:15 Discussion. Logistics of field work.
5:30 End Meeting