This course covers the elements of geophysical fluid dynamics as applied to the earth's atmosphere and ocean. An outline and notes for the course are available. The course will consist of lectures and some problem sessions. The instructor will lecture on approximately three out of four class days. In problem sessions the instructor will work with the students on problem solutions.
There is no good, existing text for a course such as this -- treatments are either trivial or graduate level. I am shooting for an intermediate level which gets to the essence of geophysical fluid dynamics, but is comprehensible by someone with junior-level mathematics. Some material will be extracted from the first semester text and extensive course notes will be placed on this website. Useful external references are listed in the course notes.
Grading will be based on homework assigments, tests, and on a paper, which will be presented orally and in writing. There will be two (changed to one with agreement of class) takehome tests and no final exam. The percentages are as follows:
Activity Percent grade --------------------------------- Homework 33.3% Takehome test 33.3% Paper 33.3% --------------------------------- Total 100%