List of possible paper topics:
Dynamics of el Nino
Tropical cyclogenesis
Tropical-midlatitude teleconnections
Role of aerosols in climate
Super greenhouse effect
Arctic oscillation (or North Atlantic Oscillation)
Dynamics of midlatitude storm tracks
Sudden stratospheric warmings
Mesoscale convective systems
Thermohaline circulation
Madden-Julian oscillation
The paper should be based on a literature search and should
provide a synthesis of our current state of understanding of the
selected topic. I expect of order 15 pages, double spaced. Use
the referencing convention of one of the popular journals, such
as Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences or Journal of Geophysical
Schedule for paper:
Choose topic -- Monday, 4 February
First draft for peer review -- Monday, 29 March
Final copy due -- 4 May
Presentations -- 4, 6 May