Chapter 4: How Energy Travels from the Equator to the Poles

Physics concepts

  1. momentum
  2. angular momentum (and conservation of angular momentum)
  3. vectors
    1. how to draw
    2. find direction (angle from positive x axis)
    3. calculate magnitude

Weather and Climate concepts

  1. Hadley cells
  2. winds
    1. causes of
    2. direction (and upward & downward)
  3. forces on air parcels (pressure gradient, coriolis, friction)
  4. Coriolis effect
    1. what is the reason for the Coriolis effect?
    2. which direction are parcels deflected in NH? SH?
  5. geostrophic balance
  6. Monsoons (what do these have to do with hadley cells?)
  7. thermal wind, jet streams
  8. warm & cold fronts
  9. Mid-latitude winter storms
  10. cyclones and anti-cyclones
  11. jet stream

Reading Guide, and useful links

  1. Old lecture with applets & videos
  2. Cool animation of Hadley circulations
  3. More info about Hadley cells (with a nice illustration)