//---bof---RGBL-Analog Preamble //RGB LED pins int ledAnalogOne[] = {3, 5, 6}; //the three pins of the first analog LED 3 = redPin, 5 = greenPin, 6 = bluePin //These pins must be PWM //Defined Colors (different RGB (red, green, blue) values for colors //(to add your own ie. fuscia experiment and then add to the list) const byte RED[] = {255, 0, 0}; const byte ORANGE[] = {83, 4, 0}; const byte YELLOW[] = {255, 255, 0}; const byte GREEN[] = {0, 255, 0}; const byte BLUE[] = {0, 0, 255}; const byte INDIGO[] = {4, 0, 19}; const byte VIOLET[] = {23, 0, 22}; const byte CYAN[] = {0, 255, 255}; const byte MAGENTA[] = {255, 0, 255}; const byte WHITE[] = {255, 255, 255}; const byte BLACK[] = {0, 0, 0}; const byte PINK[] = {158, 4, 79}; //---eof---RGBL-Analog Preamble void setup(){ for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){ pinMode(ledAnalogOne[i], OUTPUT); //Set the three LED pins as outputs } setColor(ledAnalogOne, BLACK); //Turn off led 1 } void loop(){ /* Example 1 - Defined Colors Set to a known color (you can use any of the above defined colors) */ setColor(ledAnalogOne, MAGENTA); /* Example 2 - Any Color Set the LED to any color you like */ //byte tempColor[] = {12,34,12}; //the RGB (red, gren blue) value for a color to display //setColor(ledAnalogOne, tempColor); /*Example 3 - Fading Fade the LED between two colors (this will go from red to green to blue then back to red) */ //fadeToColor(ledAnalogOne, RED, GREEN, 10); //fadeToColor takes 4 parameters //ledAnalogOne - an array with 3 values defining the red, green and blue pins of the LED //RED - This is the start color //GREEN - This is the end color //10 - the delay (in milliseconds between updates) (determines the fade speed) //fadeToColor(ledAnalogOne, GREEN, BLUE, 10); //Fades from Green to Blue //fadeToColor(ledAnalogOne, BLUE, RED, 10); //Fades from Blue to Red } /* Sets the color of the LED to any RGB Value led - (int array of three values defining the LEDs pins (led[0] = redPin, led[1] = greenPin, led[2] = bluePin)) color - (byte array of three values defing an RGB color to display (color[0] = new Red value, color[1] = new Green value, color[2] = new Red value */ void setColor(int* led, byte* color){ for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){ //iterate through each of the three pins (red green blue) analogWrite(led[i], 255 - color[i]); //set the analog output value of each pin to the input value (ie led[0] (red pin) to 255- color[0] (red input color) //we use 255 - the value because our RGB LED is common anode, this means a color is full on when we output analogWrite(pin, 0) //and off when we output analogWrite(pin, 255). } } /* A version of setColor that takes a predefined color (neccesary to allow const int pre-defined colors */ void setColor(int* led, const byte* color){ byte tempByte[] = {color[0], color[1], color[2]}; setColor(led, tempByte); } /* Fades the LED from a start color to an end color at fadeSpeed led - (int array of three values defining the LEDs pins (led[0] = redPin, led[1] = greenPin, led[2] = bluePin)) startCcolor - (byte array of three values defing the start RGB color (startColor[0] = start Red value, startColor[1] = start Green value, startColor[2] = start Red value endCcolor - (byte array of three values defing the finished RGB color (endColor[0] = end Red value, endColor[1] = end Green value, endColor[2] = end Red value fadeSpeed - this is the delay in milliseconds between steps, defines the speed of the fade */ void fadeToColor(int* led, byte* startColor, byte* endColor, int fadeSpeed){ int changeRed = endColor[0] - startColor[0]; //the difference in the two colors for the red channel int changeGreen = endColor[1] - startColor[1]; //the difference in the two colors for the green channel int changeBlue = endColor[2] - startColor[2]; //the difference in the two colors for the blue channel int steps = max(abs(changeRed),max(abs(changeGreen), abs(changeBlue))); //make the number of change steps the maximum channel change for(int i = 0 ; i < steps; i++){ //iterate for the channel with the maximum change byte newRed = startColor[0] + (i * changeRed / steps); //the newRed intensity dependant on the start intensity and the change determined above byte newGreen = startColor[1] + (i * changeGreen / steps); //the newGreen intensity byte newBlue = startColor[2] + (i * changeBlue / steps); //the newBlue intensity byte newColor[] = {newRed, newGreen, newBlue}; //Define an RGB color array for the new color setColor(led, newColor); //Set the LED to the calculated value delay(fadeSpeed); //Delay fadeSpeed milliseconds before going on to the next color } setColor(led, endColor); //The LED should be at the endColor but set to endColor to avoid rounding errors } /* A version of fadeToColor that takes predefined colors (neccesary to allow const int pre-defined colors */ void fadeToColor(int* led, const byte* startColor, const byte* endColor, int fadeSpeed){ byte tempByte1[] = {startColor[0], startColor[1], startColor[2]}; byte tempByte2[] = {endColor[0], endColor[1], endColor[2]}; fadeToColor(led, tempByte1, tempByte2, fadeSpeed); }