PHYSICS 321 – Intermediate Mechanics – Fall 2005

Location: Workman 310, Time: T-Th 11:00am-12:15pm

Professor: Richard Sonnenfeld, Workman 347,

Tel: 835-6434,

Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday 4:30-5:30 pm

Schedule/Topics: A syllabus and exam schedule is posted on the web.

Check it before each Thursday class.

Announcements: Announcements (upcoming exams, changes to HW assignments, etc.)

are made in class and posted on the web.

Required Texts: Classical Mechanics by John R. Taylor

© 2002, University Science Books

Getting Started with Matlab by Rudra Pratap

WebPage: I will be using my web-page on

to post assignments and class notes.

Grading: Final: 25%

Test 1: 15%

Test 2: 15%

Test 3: 0%

Project: 15%

Homework: 25%

Participation 5%

A” is 90-100, “B” is 80-90 … etc. (I reserve the right to curve the grades later in the course, but only in your favor.) Lowest grade of the 3 tests will be dropped.

Testing: Tests and Final are not available for make-up. The lowest of the four test grades will be dropped. This protects you either against either a “bad day” or an absence. In the event of a major tragedy or an act of God that interferes with the Final, I will work with you.

Homework: Homework is usually assigned Thursday and is collected at beginning of class the following Thursday. Late homework is accepted “within reason”. Feel free to work on homework in groups (but make sure you are thinking for yourself!).

Programming (MATLAB) problems on HW should be done individually. You may get help from classmates, but you need to write your own code. If I receive very similar programs, no credit will be given for the work.

All problems will be graded by your prof. An ongoing assignment calendar is posted on the web. Check it before each class. It will evolve over time.