This file is written to provide information for anyone who would like to reproduce the data used in the paper titled, 'On the Relationship Between Continuing Current and Positive Leader Growth'. CC_growth.tex is the main file used to produce the paper itself. It uses: agu.bst agutex.cls lineno.sty This file uses several figures, which is listed here: 20120814-2142-0-E3+E5.pdf 20120814-2142-0-LEFA3-LMA.pdf 20120814-2142-growth_linear_loglog.pdf 20120814-2142-growth_rate.pdf 20120814-2142-Hist.pdf 20120814-2142-LMA_pulse.pdf 20120814-2142-pulsegraph.pdf 20130708-2028-growth_rate.pdf 20130708-2028-LMA_pulse.pdf 20130708-2030-growth_rate.pdf lefa_map.pdf saba2006_figure1.pdf The file used to produce Figures 2 and 4-12 is This file uses these data files: 20120814-2142-E3-M-1.txt 20120814-2142-E5-M-1.txt 20120814-2142-edgedata.txt 20120814-2142-edgedata_old.txt 20120814-2142-lmaedge.txt 20120814-2142-lmaedge_old.txt 20130708-2028-E3-I.txt 20130708-2028-edgedata.txt 20130708-2028-lmaedge.txt 20130708-2030-E3-I.txt 20130708-2030-edgedata.txt 20130708-2030-lmaedge.txt growth_rate_20120814_2142closer.txt growth_rate_20130708_2028.txt growth_rate_20130708_2030.txt saba2006_figure1.pdf was taken from another paper, and lefa_map.pdf was produced using lma_channels*.m are files used to produce the PulseGraph and growth data. It uses the LMA data (LYLOUT*.dat.gz) and LEFA data (lefa*.bdat) and also these files: PulseGraph_new.m growth_pic.m load_E which uses: bdat_read.m calibrations_20120907.m or calibrations_20110916.m FitandRemove60Hz.m LEFAloc20120907.txt or LEFAloc20110916.txt new_dedroop.m segmented_median2.m