Minutes of the Meeting of the NMT Physics Department 4:00 PM, 8 September 2005 352 Workman Present: Gina Chavez, Michelle Creech-Eakman, Jean Eilek, Tim Hankins, Peter Hofner, Ken Minschwaner, Raul Morales Juberias, Dave Raymond, Barry Sabol, Sharon Sessions, Richard Sonnenfeld, Dave Westpfahl, Lisa Young 1. Announcements Welcome, all to the opening of another academic year. We are happy to welcome our new faculty, Raul Morales Juberias and Sharon Sessions. Dave Westpfahl wishes to take his election as the new chair as recognition of the faculty's confidence in him. The department has received the apparently anonymous donation of about 100 physics books. We could keep them here or have the Library shelve them. Jean suggests that we keep the best, throw out the worst, and send the remainder to the Library. Jean is willing to identify the books that we should keep. Others are welcome to do the same. Similarly, we have some/many back issues of journals in the copy room. What do we want to do with them? Dave Raymond suggests that we offer them to Langmuir. Action item: Jean Eilek offered to sort through, Dave Westpfahl offered to contact Langmuir Lab about journals. The department budgets for books has been reduced from $100k to $60k, the department allocation is down to about $3500. The Library Committee will meet later in the month about journal subscriptions. 2. Report on the Department Budget Aside from faculty, staff, and graduate TA salaries the budget is essentially unchanged. We have very little in our discretionary funds. Expenses are relatively level, except for the department purchase of cartridges for printers in individual offices, which is way up. We will need a common policy setting some reasonable limit to these costs or they will eat up the entire discretionary budget. We will try purchasing one cartridge per individual printer and hope that this discussion will raise awareness to hold down this cost. Action item: Gina Chavez will monitor these costs. 3. Discussion of the role of Physics 131 and 132 Dave Raymond has circulated a proposal to: a. Require 131/132 of all physics majors b. Make 121 or high-school physics a prerequisite for 131 c. Eliminate 232 Action item: Proposal is appended to these minutes. The main reason for this is to eliminate two very uneven tracks that physics majors can currently take. Richard finds our juniors unprepared for Physics 321. They need 121, 122,131, and 132. Several of us have seen poor preparation in the juniors. Michelle finds that 131/132 do not prepare the students for intermediate mechanics but do an acceptable job of preparing them for E&M. Tim finds that a significant part of the GRE is right out of the Modern Physics book. There is value in the repetition built into Physics 232. Nonetheless, he sees value in streamlining the program. Barry asks if the purpose of dropping 232 is to keep people on track. Dave says yes, but not only that. Peter adds that the material of modern physics can be added to atomic and nuclear. Jean asks who else would teach 131/132? Sharon is interested, and would start with Dave's text. Dave points out that 121/122 have become fossilized and his proposal fixes this for physics majors and faculty. Richard proposes requiring Physics 121 or an AP physics course in high school. This is found attractive, and allows one physics course per semester, with Physics 242 the fourth course. Scott Teare has expressed an interest in having EE majors take a three semester intro physics sequence. This would decrease demand for 121/122. There seems to be agreement in favor of a three-semester intro physics sequence, and value in separating out the physics majors. There is appreciation that the course generates enthusiasm in our majors. Lisa requests information on the current students and how they would (or should) have chosen 121 before taking 131. Dave currently has only one. Dave will ask how many have had AP physics in high school, and can show us the initial FCI grades. Tim asks, "How will this be viewed by the rest of the Institute?" We can allow non-majors to take 131/132. Does this leave 122 perceived to be less significant? Michelle finds that most of her students have taken an AP physics course. Motion by Hankins: Revise the physics major requirements to be AP physics or Physics 121 in the fall, and 131 in the spring, 132 in sophomore fall, drop 232, 242 in sophomore spring. Seconded by Richard. Physics 232 may be in the Physics Minor, this would have to be addressed. Ken asks if 132 and 242 could be taken concurrently. Then 131/132 could be kept fall/spring. What would provide continuity of 232 is dropped. Dave proposes an amended motion to return to the fall/spring plan, which Tim accepts as friendly. Jean would like more information. 1. What does the course cover? Dave will provide the table of contents of the book. 2. What happens to replace 232? Could this be computational physics? Tabled until the next meeting. Action item: Dave Raymond will provide the table of contents for his text. Done by email and appended. 4. Emeritus Positions Does the department wish to consider emeritus positions for recent retirees from the faculty, Paul Krehbiel and Bill Winn? We might approve these appointments, ask each if they desire such an appointment, and forward a memo to Academic Affairs. Raymond moves we offer both emeritus appointments, Ken seconds. Passes unanimously. Action item: Dave Westpfahl will offer adjunct appointments to Paul Krehbiel and Bill Winn and will forward a memo to Academic Affairs. 5. NMT/Physics Department Sponsorship of the New Mexico Symposium In previous years we have jointly sponsored several events. John Romney of NRAO has approached Tim Hankins about this issue. The Tech logo has appeared mysteriously on the symposium web page. Moved by Raymond, seconded by Sessions. Passes unanimously. Action item: We should become a co-sponsor. Tim Hankins will speak with John Romney. 6. Advertising for graduate recruiting MRO will have a booth at the upcoming AAS meeting. The department is welcome to have a brochure available there. Edie Steinhoff can print reasonable numbers of handouts. Who will prepare the brochure? 7. Tim's teaching This will be Tim's last year of teaching. He recommends that the department prepare for a search. Adjourned at 5:10 PM