navigation map

  1: Introduction
  2: Simple example
  3: Invocation
  4: Finer Control
  5: X-Y Plots
  6: Contour Plots
  7: Image Plots
  8: Examples
  9: Gri Commands
  10: Programming
  11: Environment
  12: Emacs Mode
  13: History
  14: Installation
  15: Gri Bugs
  16: Test Suite
  17: Gri in Press
  18: Acknowledgments
  19: License

index.html#Top GriModeScreenshots.html#Gri-modescreenshots Gri Mode: Screenshots Gri: Screenshot 2 index.html#Top Gri: Screenshot 2

12.2.1: Screenshot 1

In the first screenshot, the user has entered the text `set font' and has pressed `M-Tab' twice to see the list of possible completions. The `*Completions*' buffer is displayed in a separate frame because the user is using the `framepop.el' add-on package. A similar effect can be obtained using `special buffers' in Emacs.

navigation map