rafdropinit −− initialize dropsonde data file with aircraft in situ data.
rafdropinit aircraft aircraft_data_file < dropfile > new_dropfile
Rafdropinit initializes a dropsonde data file with an 11 second average of data from the dropping aircraft centered on the drop time. This replaces the aircraft data already inserted in the file by the Aspen program. The dropsonde file must be in Candis format as translated from the NetCDF format produced by Aspen.
The first command line argument specifies the aircraft type (‘‘ncar’’ -- NCAR C-130; ‘‘noaa’’ -- NOAA P-3), while the second specifies the path to the aircraft insitu data file, assumed to be in 1 second data Candis format with all records concatentated into a single variable slice.
Rafdropinit is sensitive to the names of variables in the aircraft and dropsonde data files. These are subject to frequent change. See the source code for the current values.
No check is made to insure that the dropsonde in question was dropped on the aircraft mission producing the aircraft data file.