rafdap −− convert DAP data to common data format


rafdap header_file [data_file | −]


This program converts data produced by the aircraft of the National Center for Atmospheric Research into common data format. The data must be in the Data Analysis Package (DAP) format used by the Research Aviation Facility.

DAP data is in three files for each set of data. A header file in mixed ascii/int, a data file that contains the data in mixed int/float, and a calibration file mixed ascii/int/float. The header file contains the information necessary to decode the data file, and is interpreted by rafdap. The common data format file appears on the standard output. If the data file is omitted from the command line, rafdap simply decodes the header and sends a table of information on the variables defined in the record to the standard output. This is useful for deciding which variables to extract, as numerous variables are of no use to the average user, and simply take up disk space. If the data file is specified as a dash ("−"), rafdap expects the data file on the standard input.


kestrel%rafdap H12345 D12345 > file.cdf

In this example, the header file H12345 and the data file D12345 are used to generate the common data format file file.cdf. All variables and all data for each variable are included.

kestrel%rafdap H12345 > file.doc

Only a header file is included on the command line here. A table of information about the flight is created in file.doc.


Reading input with binary integers (as created by GENPRO II) created by another computer is inherently machine−dependent. Setting the flag VAX equal to zero in cdfhdr.h before compiling rafdap makes things work for Motorola 68000 machines such as Suns, Apollos, and Masscomps. Setting VAX equal to one makes things work for VAXes. (This option is not well tested.) There are no guarantees for other types of computers.