radtop −− diagnoses radar data at top of cloud


radtop reflectivity_field vertical_velocity_field divergence_field


Radtop expects a common data format file containing synthesized radar data produced by radcedric on the standard input. Six new two−dimensional fields are transmitted to the standard output. These fields are defined over the x−y plane, and contain information about conditions at the top of the cloud. Topw contains the highest level at which the vertical velocity is defined, while the value of the vertical velocity at that level is contained in topwval. Topz and topzval serve the same function for the radar reflectivity, while topd and topdval do the same for the divergence field.

The first command line argument names the reflectivity field to be sought for the computation of topz and topzval. The second argument names the vertical velocity field, while the third names the divergence field.


kestrel%radtop zcp4 wi d < infile > outfile

Radtop finds the value and height of the highest−defined reflectivity (zcp4), vertical velocity (wi), and divergence (d). Input comes from infile. Outfile contains the newly defined fields.