radrp7 −− translate NCAR RP-7 field format radar data into Candis format


radrp7 filename count1 count2 [glitch_block]


Radrp7 converts radar data recorded in NCAR’s RP-7 radar field format to Candis format, which is written to the standard output. The field format file should have been read to disk using the rtape(1) utility. The first command line argument is the name of the field format file.

Radrp7 initially reads just those records in [count1, count2]. The radar azimuth and elevation will be plotted using the pgraf(1) program found in the environment variable PG. The user will then be prompted to say whether the desired piece of the file has been plotted. If not, the user types in a new count1 and count2, and the cycle repeats. When the desired piece is found, radrp7 writes a Candis file containing just the segment of interest and exits. In this way data can be split up into radar volumes for further analysis.


The optional glitch_block argument provides a way to handle tape errors and changes in ray sizes. However, its use is currently undocumented.