radray −− extracts a ray from synthesized radar data


radray x_orig y_orig z_orig azim elev range0 drange nrange u_name v_name w_name


Radray expects synthesized radar data in the form of a common data format file on the standard input, such as might be produced by radcedric. A common data format file containing a reconstructed ray of data as seen by a single radar is sent to the standard output. The radial component of the velocity as seen along the ray (vrad) is computed from the three components of particle velocity. This and all other three−dimensional fields are trilinearly interpolated to points along the ray. All interpolated fields have the single dimension "range".

The command line arguments are as follows: [x−z]_orig define the location of the hypothetical radar (in kilometers) with respect to the origin of the Cartesian coordinate system. Azim and elev are the azimuth and elevation (in degrees) of the requested ray. Azimuth is defined clockwise from north (actually, the direction in which the y−axis points). Range0 is the distance from the radar at which the ray starts. Drange and nrange give the grid spacing along the ray and the number of grid points. Range0 and drange are in kilometers. [u−w]_name are the names of the x, y, and z components of particle velocity on the input file.


kestrel%radray −10 −10 5 45 30 5 .25 61 u v w < synthesized_radar_data > ray

In this example, radray extracts a ray of data from synthesized_radar_data and puts it into a file called ray. The radar is located at the point (−10, −10, 5). The requested azimuth and elevation of the ray are respectively 45 and 30 degrees, and data are interpolated to the ray from 5 to 20 km from the radar at 0.25 km intervals. The components of particle velocity are named u, v, and w on the input file.