radfudge −− fix alignment and calibration errors in radar data


radfudge rangefudge azimfudge dbzname dbzfudge [vradname cluttersup]


Radfudge expects a radar data file created by raduf on the standard input. A modified common data format file is sent to the standard output. There are three mandatory modifications: 1) The value of rangefudge (in kilometers) is added to the index field "range". 2) The value of azimfudge is added to all instances of the "azim" scalar variable field. Care is taken to keep the azimuth between 0 and 360 degrees by adding or subtracting 360 if it is out of this range. 3) The value of dbzfudge is added to the variable field specified by dbzname. This is generally taken to be the radar reflectivity in decibel measure.

The optional arguments specify the name of the radial doppler velocity, vradname, and a threshold value, cluttersup. If these arguments are specified, doppler velocities with values less than cluttersup in absolute magnitude are set to the bad data value. The idea is that those range gates dominated by ground clutter will have zero or near−zero doppler velocities, whereas airborne reflectors will exhibit these velocities only rarely. Thus, only a small amount of valid data are lost by this process.