hrdair --
convert HRD format aircraft data to Candis format
rertape -- insert rtape record marks based on assumed file
hrdrawair -- convert Jorgensen ASCII format aircraft data to
Candis format
hrdrawair2 -- convert more recent (7/93) Jorgensen ASCII
format to Candis format
hrdascitrans -- convert EPIC2001 (Sept 2001) HRD files to
Candis format
Hrdair converts NOAA Hurricane Research Division (HRD) format in situ aircraft data files to Candis format files. The input file is taken from the standard input, while the Candis file is written to the standard output. The input file must have been written to disk using the "rtape" utility with tape block structure retained. One slice is written per second of data. Only the processed data contained in blocks 3 and 5 of the input is used with the exception of the GPS information in block 4. All of the data fields contained in the input including error flag and event switch fields are written as zero dimensional variable fields in the output.
Rertape reinserts rtape 8 byte ascii record headers into HRD in situ data files which have been read to disk a utility other than rtape. Warning: This program assumes a particular sequence of record sizes which may change in the future.
Hrdrawair works the same as hrdair except that the input is in the form of an ASCII file created by Dave Jorgensen. The format of this file is likely to change from project to project.
Hrdrawair2 works the same as hrdrawair except that it is designed for the more recent format (10/7).
Hrdascitrans works for some EPIC2001 ascii data files.
The variable field names, meanings, and units for hrdair are as follows:
tptime -- time after midnight (sec)
lon, lat -- longitude and latitude calculated from ylo1, ylo2, xla1 xla2 (degrees) (GPS corrected)
sw1, sw2, sw3 -- switches
fl1, fl2 -- error flags
ra -- radar altitude (m)
ps -- pressure (mb)
ta -- ambient temperature (C)
tw1 -- dewpoint sensor (C)
rd -- radiometer down (C)
rs -- radiometer side (C)
gs -- ground speed (m/sec)
ts -- true airspeed (m/sec)
wgs -- aircraft vertical velocity (m/sec)
tk -- track (degrees)
hd -- true heading (degrees)
pc -- pitch (degrees)
rl -- roll (degrees, right wing up positive)
aa -- attack angle (degrees)
sa -- slip angle (degrees)
lw -- liquid water (g/m^3)
pq -- dynamic pressure (mb)
td -- dewpoint temperature (C)
ru -- radiometer up (if available) (C)
utail, vtail, wtail -- e, n, and up components of aircraft tail (relative to center of mass of aircraft?) (m/sec)
ga -- geopotential height (m)
pa -- pressure altitude (m)
dv -- D value (m)
ht -- height standard (m)
sp -- surface pressure (mb)
rh -- relative humidity (percent)
tv -- virtual temperature (C)
was -- vertical airspeed (m/sec)
gm -- ratio specific heats
ama -- Mach number
da -- drift (degrees)
gsx, gsy -- ground speed (m/sec) (not GPS corrected)
tx, ty -- true airspeed (m/sec)
wx, wy, wz -- wind speed (m/sec) (not GPS corrected)
ws -- wind speed (m/sec)
wd -- wind direction (degrees)
ee -- vapor pressure (mb)
mr -- mixing ratio (g/kg)
pt -- potential temperature (K)
et -- equivalent potential temperature (K)
wxb, wyb -- average wind components (m/sec)
wsb -- average wind speed (m/sec)
wdb -- average wind direction (degrees)
av1, av2 -- vertical accelerometers (m/s2)
wac -- sec. wind averaged over
bt1, bt2, bt3 -- AXBTs
nav -- INE used -- 1 or 2
itmp -- total temperature used -- 1 or 2
king -- voltage from King liquid water probe
wgsdpj -- Dave Jorgensen’s vertical ground speed
wasdpj -- Dave Jorgensen’s vertical air speed
wzdpj -- Dave Jorgensen’s vertical wind
glon -- GPS longitude (deg)
glat -- GPS latitude (deg)
gugnd -- GPS ground velocity, x component (m/s)
gvgnd -- GPS ground velocity, y component (m/s)
Hrdrawair and hrdrawair2 create subsets of these variables.
When the day changes, tptime doesn’t reset to zero. Some may consider this to be a feature rather than a bug.