cdfpix −− converts between pixel and float formats


cdfpix -f|-p field_name [bitsize]


Cdfpix accepts a common data format file on the standard input and writes a modified common data format file on the standard output. The specified field is converted either to pixel or to float format. The -f option will convert to float format while the -p option will convert to pixel format. As there is no provision for bad data in pixel format, data greater than the bad data limit as well as data less than 0 is simply set to 0. Bitsize for the pixels is set by the optional argument bitsize (bitsize must be 2 to some to some power less than 6) (setting bitsize is only an option when converting to pixel format) or by the bad data value, or lacking either of those, a default pixel size, currently 8, is chosen.


kestrel%cdfpix -p field 8 <input_file >output_file

This example would convert the field ’field’ to pixel format with a pixel size of 8 bits.

kestrel%cdfpix -f field <input_file >output_file

This example would convert the field ’field’ to float format, the argument bitsize is not an option when converting to float.