cdfmean −− average fields over specified dimension
cdfmean dimension suffix field1 field2 ...
Cdfmean averages the fields named on the command line over the specified dimension. The averaged fields have names equal to the original name with the suffix presented on the command line added on. A Candis file containing the fields is expected on the standard input. The standard output presents a Candis file containing everything in the input file plus the averaged fields. Bad data values are omitted from the average. If there are no good data in a particular averaging sample, the result is given the bad data value.
kestrel% cdfmean x 0 var1 var2 < in_file > out_file
This example would average the fields var1 and var2 over the dimension x. The resulting output file would contain the input fields as well as the averaged fields var10 and var20.