cdfinvindex −− replace index field


cdfinvindex oldindex newindex


Cdfinvindex replaces an index field with another field which depends only on the original index field. It does this by swapping the old and new index field names "oldindex" and "newindex" and all references to these names in the dimensions of fields. The data are then swapped between these two fields. The old index field is assumed to be in the static slice. The new field may be in the static or variable slice. Since both data and names are swapped, the new index field actually takes the old index field’s position in the static slice, and the old index field is moved to the original position of the new index field. Note that if the new field is in the variable slice, the data for the new index field will be taken only from the first variable slice.


kestrel% cdfivindex latitude distance_north < in_file > out_file

In this example the index field "latitude" would be replaced by the field "distance_north", which is presumed to be a function only of latitude. The field "latitude" would take the place of the field "distance_north".