010918 Radar and Sounding Operation Status The radar operated continuously without problems. In contrast to the last several days, convective activity was largely suppressed overnight and through the morning hours (i.e., up through 15 Z). Convection, where it occurred, usually contained echo tops less than 10-11 km. During the afternoon, activity increased with a large precipitation region passing over the ship between 19-22 Z. This feature was marked by large areas of decaying convection and stratiform precipitation punctuated by clusters of convective cells with little in the way of coherent organization. All 6 sounding launches returned wind and thermodynamic data through the troposphere. One obvious trend in the wind data was the reduction in the low level westerly flow during the course of the day. This trend seems consistent with GOES IR data showing the Ron Brown to be positioned on the back side (east) of an easterly wave.