RF15 - C-130 SST Front Stacks Mission Summary - This flight represented the first of two SST front stack missions. The weather of the area included a suppressed ITCZ, although some cells were observed, unlike on the previous day, 2 October, during a 95 W transect mission by the C-130. The operating region on this flight was entirely south of 3.5 N, and except for descent and ascent soundings, limited to the region of the ABL and immediately above. The ABL over the SST front and cold tongue (as on the flight of 2 October) featured relatively brisk southerlies over and on the north side of the SST front and relatively high humidities above the ABL. There were virtually no clouds above the ABL. The clouds over the cold tongue were quite shallow, with indistinct bases near the surface and tops only to 300 m. These clouds resembling sea fog were observed on two of the early 95 W transects; more recent 95 W transects took place when the cold tongue clouds consisted of stratus near the 700 m level. Fifteen BT's were deployed as an add-on and thirteen of these were successful. The execution of the E-W stacks went well, with each set consisting of legs at 100', just below cloud base, near and mostly slightly below cloud top, and somewhat above cloud top. Flight Notes - 1437 Take Off 1526 Lat 12.6, Over As at 2.5 km, flight-level winds 135 @ 8 m/s 1538 Lat 11.8, no more As, CLR below, SCT-BKN Ci above 1620 Lat 8.6, flight-level wind 105 @ 12 m/s, mostly SCT BL Cu with some blobs of more vigorous, but still low-topped Cu congestus 1720 Beginning descent for low-level work 1735 Lat 3.1, at 100', SST 27.4, TA 25.6, wind 170 @ 10 m/s, thetae 342, q 15, SABL shows BL Sc between 400-700 m, CLR above 1743 Lat 2.9, BT (maybe OK), cloud base/top at 300/900 m 1748 Lat 2.4, 5000', BT (good), uniform undercast, CLR above 1751 Lat 2.2, 5000', BT (good), wind 60 @ 9-10 m/s, thetae 343, q 13 1755 Lat 2.0, 100', SST 26.2, TA 24.2, wind 165 @ 10 m/s, whitecaps light (sometimes even close to moderate) chop, SABL shows clouds between 400 and 800 m, thetae 336, q 14 1757 Passed R/V Brown in middle of 100' leg 1800 Start ascent for 1000' leg 1803 Lat 2.0, near ship, 1000', wind 160 @ 11 m/s, thetae 335, q 14 1808 Ascent for 2500', cloud base 400 m, wind shear 1000-1100 m 1810 BT (dud) 1811 2500', staying virtually entirely within BL clouds, thetae 337, q 14 1817 Start of above cloud leg, BT (good), 1060 m, wind 80 @ 6 m/s, thetae 340, q 13, uniform undercast, CLR OVHD, flight-level near inversion top, BT indicates Tsfc of 25.8, MLD 45 m 1821 BT (good) 1823 Start descent, cloud top/base about 900/400-450 m, resp. 1825 Lat 1.9, start of 100', SST 26.2, TA 23.8, thetae 337, q 14 lots of whitecaps, wind 160@ 11-12 m/s, some breaks in OVC 1829 A temporary ascent due to miscommunication, SABL shows clouds between 400-600 m, and some widely SCT at 1.7 km 1834 Lat 1.4, BT (good), cloud base/tops 450/800 m 1839 Lat 1.2, BT (good) 1840 Lat 1.1, 4500', undercast below, thin As near 1.8 km, lost WINDS system temporarily 1844 Lat 0.85, BT (good), still some As at 1.7 km 1849 Lat 0.6, 100', WINDS back 1851 Lat 0.5, SST 21.3, TA 20.7, wind 160 7-8 m/s, thetae 330, q 13 SABL shows clouds between 100-400 m, starting to lose As deck light chop, thick OVC, starting to partially lose horizon 1855 Lat 0.3, Ascent, cloud tops 350 m, no clouds above BL, BT (good) 1859 Lat 0.05, BT (good) wind 50 @ 8 m/s, thetae 340, q 12 1903 Lat -0.2, start descent, BT (good), wind max near 400 m (160 @ 12) 1909 Lat -0.5, start of 100' E-W run, SST 18.2, TA 20.3, Ophir 17.9, very low bases/sky obscured in spots, widely isolated whitecaps light chop, wind 140 @ 7 m/s, thetae 329, q 13, SABL sometimes showing two layers and sometimes just a single low layer of BL clouds 1913 Sudden clearing near east end for two brief periods 1914 Starting ascent for 300' 1916 Start of 2nd (300') leg 1917 In cloud, dropped slightly to 80-90 m, light chop, within low-level wind shear zone, wind 150 @ 7 m/s, thetae 329, q 13 1921 Climbing for 3rd (cloud top) run 1924 BT (good), skimming cloud tops at 850'/270 m, in cloud roughly 2/3 to 3/4 of the time, wind 140 @ 10-11 m/s, look to be just a bit below wind max, light chop, SABL indicates no clouds above 1931 BT (good) 1934 BT (good) 1936 Begin ascent for inbound ferry 2321 Landing