NOAA P-3 Mission Summary Report (EPIC)

Author of report: Carlos Lopez Carrillo
Mission Number:: 010928I
Start time of Mission(UTC): 2001/09/28 15:00
Submitted at(UTC): 20011004:15:02

ITCZ mission: Mission incomplete due to engine failure.

We completed the first leg of the ITCZ Pattern 12 to 8 N
along 93W. We dropped 7 ocean probes (1 AXCTD fail), and
5 GPS-dropsondes (no failures). 
Surface winds were primarily from the south with a very
small component from the east. Almost no white caps were seen.
Flight level winds were south-westerlies.

We encounter only one convective spot while in this leg.
core (mid 40 DBZ) hight ~8km, anvil ~10km.