NOAA P-3 Mission Summary Report (EPIC)

Author of report: D. J. Raymond
Mission Number:: 010905I
Start time of Mission(UTC): 2001/09/05 13:59
Submitted at(UTC): 20010906:18:02
Revised at(UTC): 20010907:14:59

The P-3 and the C-130 flew an ITCZ mission, with the P-3 doing a standard lawnmower pattern [(-93,12), (-93,8), (-94.3,8), (-94.3,12), (-95.7,12), (-95.7,8), (-97,8), (-97,12)] at 6000 ft.
The C-130 did traverses at various altitudes along -95. In addition, an intercomparison was done between the two aircraft on the way out from Huatulco.

Five minute legs were flown at 600 ft, 6000 ft, and 12000 ft. The convection was generally suppressed in the target area, with the exception of some growing convection near the end of the mission. The winds were easterly N of about 10 N and southwesterly S of 9 N.

All instruments appeared to function as planned.