Collection of EPIC Documentation

EPIC stands for "Eastern Pacific Investigation of Climate Processes in the Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere System". These pages present a collection of information about the EPIC 2001 project, in the hope of making some of the experiment's rationale, design, data availability, and data summaries more easily accessible.

EPIC2001: Overview and Implementation Plan
A series of HTML documents dicussing the scientific objectives of EPIC and how these objectives were planned to be reached. It also lists the scientists involved in the project.
EPIC Field Operations Plan
An HTML document that summarizes the operation plans for EPIC, including time, place, means of observation, and coordination of the program.
Links to a PDF document, "A Science and Implementation Plan for EPIC: An Eastern Pacific Investigation of Climate Processes in the Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere System", and its list of figures.
EPIC Field Catalog Reports
A table, ordered by time, linking to reports of the status and conditions for various EPIC experiments.
EPIC Missions
A table summarizing the arrival and departure times, mission scientist, and other information for each EPIC flight.
EPIC Data Management
A UCAR/JOSS site which links to some long-term EPIC data archives and data management guidlines.

All these documents were previously available on the internet. The first 5 were gathered and edited for this collection on December 8th and 9th of 2003.