w95traverses.cdf is the Candis version of the merged dropsonde, sea surface and infrared brightness temperature results for the C-130 95W missions in EPIC2001. w95traverses.nc is the NetCDF version of the above file. Meaning of variables in w95traverses.nc: Name Units Meaning jday.m day Day of year 2001 with time as fraction lat degrees Latitude pres hPa Pressure tdry C Air temperature dp C Dewpoint rh - Relative humidity u_wind m/s Zonal wind v_wind m/s Meridional wind dz ? ignore thetae K equivalent potential temperature thetaes K Saturated equivalent potential temperature satmr - Saturation mixing ratio mr - Mixing ratio entropy J/K/kg Moist entropy entropys J/K/kg Saturated moist entropy year year Year part of date month month Month part of date day day Day of month hour hr Hour of day min min Minute of hour sec sec Second of minute mission - Mission number dropnum - ignore jday day Day of year with time as fraction at given latitude quality - ignore sst.s C Reynolds sea surface temperature satent.s J/K/kg Saturated moist entropy at surface temp & pres atx.a - ignore rstb1.a - ignore rstt.a - ignore droptime.a - ignore irtemp.g K Infrared brightness temperature from GOES satellite temprate.g ? Time rate of change of IR temperature ispeed m/s Wind speed