What's it all about?

Physics 451L, or Senior Laboratory, is an advanced experimental laboratory technique class. Students are required to complete the H" Isotope Shift lab as well as three other labs and to write up an abstract on each. A paper is due at the end of the semester and should be written concerning one of the four labs completed.

Senior Lab meets every Monday and Wednesday from three to five p.m. It is traditionally taught only in the fall semester however in this upcoming year it will be taught in the spring semester as well due to student demand. The class meets in the stylish Workman 195 shown below.

In addition to experimentation the instructor supervising senior lab, Kenneth Minschwaner, stresses being able to know and apply techniques of error analysis to data taken during the lab. To this end a textbook is required, Introduction to Error Analysis, by J. R. Taylor, and readings with problems will be assigned from this book during the course of the class. Dr. Minschwaner will also teach the basics of writing a scientific paper and writing scientific abstracts.

A final exam will be administered in class over the experiments covered and error analysis techniques that have been learned. The final grade of students in the class breaks down as follows.

Each Completed Lab


Homework Problems


Final Exam


Well, anyway, it's fun. Take my word for it.

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