Our Illustrious Leader

Kenneth Minschwaner is a graduate of Harvard University and our fearless leader. He is father of two, a research scientist in atmospheric physics, and a full time professor. He also serves as the head of the local Sigma Pi Sigma chapter and the professor liaison to the physics club at New Mexico Tech. Dr. Minschwaner also supervised Robert Carver in his construction of the weathernet project that can be seen on the monitors in Workman's hallway next to the vending machines.

Ken has few words to say about himself, but the man can be brilliantly illustrated with a few simple quotes. "I'm not a physics encyclopedia." "That's an interesting question, why don't you go find out the answer." "I'm not a physics encyclopedia." "I've been arrested more than once but less than ten times." "Good try!"

Of course we know that Ken is just trying to make us feel better with the second to last comment. We know that he's been tossed into jail far more often than just ten times, but he doesn't want us to feel too overwhelmed in his presence. We appreciate it. To help you know what kind of man Ken is, here's a picture of the gentleman himself.

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