O2 Schumann-Runge band absorption cross sections

The following links are for access to polynomial coefficients for calculating temperature-dependent oxygen cross section in the ultraviolet. There is one readme file, and three coefficient files which correspond to three different temperature ranges. These are described in Polynomial Coefficients for calculating O2 Schumann-Runge cross sections at 0.5 cm-1 resolution, Journal of Geophysical Research, Atmospheres, Vol. 97,, pp. 10,103-10,108, 1992.

Readme file
Note, the following tables are about 1M each.
Table of Coefficients for 130-190 K
Table of Coefficients for 190-280 K
Table of Coefficients for 280-500 K

There is also a web-based interface at the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics which uses these coefficients to calculate the cross section for input temperature and spectral range. This can be found at the CFA O2 S-R page).

These data are made available by Ken Minschwaner of New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology's Department of Physics.

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